7 Highly-Effective Ways To Grow Your Blog In Nepal

Grow your blog - blogging in Nepal

Setting up a blog is easy. You just need a domain name, web hosting, and skill with WordPress (or any other blogging platform). After that, you can start creating content on your blog.

However, growing your blog can be difficult. The growth of a blog depends majorly on two factors—content and traffic. But obviously, these are not the only factors.


But first, let us look at the basics of blogging in Nepal.

Blogging in Nepal

Blogging is growing in Nepal. There are a lot of new bloggers emerging in Nepal. People and companies are making good earning from blogging.

However, it is not easy to make money blogging, especially in Nepal. You might hear that people are making hundreds and thousands of dollars per month from a blog. But that takes a lot of determination and hard work.

To grow your blog and start earning money from it, you should be willing to work hard for free. In addition, you should learn about blogging. Your learning ability determines your success as a blogger.

Learn how to start a blog, create quality content, and build an audience. It can take roughly 6 to 12 months before you start seeing actual growth in your blog. However, it depends on the quality and consistency. If you work hard, you will see the results sooner.

How to Start a Blog in Nepal?

We have covered this topic in our previous articles. But we will be discussing it in brief here as well.

As we said, to start a blog, you need three things; a domain name, web hosting, and skill with any of the blogging platforms like WordPress and Blogger.

# Domain Name

A domain name is a name for your website/blog. For example, the domain name of this website is “nepbloggers.com”.

How to register for a domain name in Nepal?

# Web Hosting

Web hosting allows you to store your website’s data and makes your website accessible from anywhere.

How to purchase web hosting in Nepal?

There are many other companies from where you can buy web hosting for your blog in Nepal. Most companies provide both domain name and hosting services. So, it is better to buy both from the same company. But, buying them from different companies will not have any problem.

# Skill with a blogging platform like WordPress

Skill is important to start a professional blog. You have to know how to set up a blog using WordPress, Blogger, or any other platform.

You can check the web for tutorials. There are a lot of free ones online.

How to Grow Your Blog in Nepal?

Below are seven ways to grow your blog.

1. Be Patient

Yup! That’s right. You have to be patient if you want to succeed as a blogger. Overnight success is not real in blogging too.

As we said before, some bloggers make hundreds and thousands of dollars every month. But it does not happen overnight. They worked hard and stayed patient.

You must be willing to work hard even if you have zero views on your blog. Understand that it takes a lot of time and effort to grow your blog.

2. Create High-Quality Content

It is obvious that if your content sucks, nobody is going to visit your blog. So focus on creating high-quality content.

Take time to identify the type of content in your niche that will provide the best results. Then, create such content in great quantity. What does your audience like? Make more of them. In Nepal, the most popular blogging niches include news, technology, and personal finance.

Work on constantly improving your blog. Learn and implement various blogging strategies.

3. Be Consistent

Consistency is key for blogging success. As we mentioned earlier, keep creating content even if you have zero views or zero dollars income in the beginning. It should not be about the views or income. Instead, it should be about learning and providing value.

Your initial goal should be to write at least 30-50 articles without great views or income. Keep putting out new content regularly. Write at least 2-3 articles every week. Create a schedule that works best for you and stick to it.

Show up to work every day.

4. Use Social Media

Social media has made it easier to reach more people. For creative work, using social media is mandatory. You must leverage social media to your benefit.

Share your work on various social media platforms. Some of the popular social sites used in Nepal include Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and TikTok. Make sure you are actively engaging with your audience on each of these platforms.

Be creative when sharing your work on social media. You can even boost your blog or specific article on social media to attract more readers to it.

Social media is a powerful tool. The most amazing part is that it is free to use. You can also ask your friends to share your work on their social media. It will increase your blog readership.

5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Whether blogging or making videos on YouTube, you should consider making content optimized for the search engines.

What is the first thing people do when they want to know about something? They Google it.

SEO is a big topic. It has many sub-topics that have great importance of their own. The sub-topics include social media marketing, content marketing, search engine marketing, email marketing, advertising, etc.

Learn about SEO. It will play an immense role in the growth of your blog.

6. Build an Email List

Having an email list will help you convert your readers into customers/followers. If you plan on selling digital products like ebooks through your blog, having an email list will be a huge advantage.

Even if you have just started a blog, you need to start collecting emails from your visitors.

This strategy can help you change a one-time visitor to a recurring visitor. In addition, there can be continuous traffic to your blog if you have an email list.

You need to start building an email list as soon as possible. For that, you can use email list-building tools like Mailchimp, Convertkit, Sendinblue, etc.

7. Website Design and Speed Optimization

A slow website is a mood killer. Your website speed plays an essential role in the growth of your blog. It also helps rank your website in search engines like Google.

Furthermore, your website’s design is also a key factor. Make sure your site is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Keep your pages clean. Use clear fonts and images that do not take too much time to load.

Learn various optimization strategies online. If you are using WordPress, for instance, there are different plugins for site optimization.


Starting a blog is easy. However, growing it can be hard. You have to put up good work to grow your blog consistently. Merely writing articles and hoping someone will read them will not be helpful.

So how can you grow your blog in Nepal? First, create high-quality content and be consistent. Further, understand that growth takes time. You cannot achieve overnight success from blogging.

Leverage social media to grow your blog. Moreover, use search engine optimization strategies to rank your blog on Google.

Build an email list to keep your readers engaged. Finally, improve your website’s design and speed.

If you follow these methods, we assure you that your blog will certainly grow within 6 to 12 months.

Happy blogging!


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