Starting a successful blog in Nepal is not difficult if you have the right skills to do so.
Although you can easily start a blog in about 10 minutes, you need to learn some skills to make your blog successful. You cannot just start and expect it to grow by itself.
Consistency is key. You have to keep learning and improving your skills. There will be difficult times, especially in the beginning days, where your blog doesn’t seem to be growing. It is how you handle such difficult times that will determine how good your blog will be in the future.
In this article, we will be discussing the 4 essential skills that will help to grow your blog in Nepal. If you can learn and develop these skills, it is guaranteed that you will achieve success as a blogger.
Now let us discuss the 4 essential skills you will need to start a successful blog in Nepal.
1. WordPress
Although there are a lot of other platforms you can use for your blog, WordPress is the most popular and easiest one.
If you are not using WordPress as your blogging platform, then the same thing will apply to whatever platform it is that you are using.
You need to know the ins and outs of WordPress. There are a lot of things you can learn in WordPress. The basic skills you need to know in WordPress are to:
- install and customize themes,
- install and use plugins,
- change basic website settings,
- know how to add/update posts and pages,
- use appropriate categories and tags for posts,
- add media, etc.
The first two are the most important ones. Choosing the appropriate theme is very very important. Also, you should know how to customize the theme for your blog as per your requirements.
Working with plugins is another important skill that you must know. Plugins are the solutions to all your problems in WordPress. But you have to know which plugin to use and how to use it. Some of the recommended plugins to use in WordPress are:
- Yoast SEO
- Monsterinsights
- WPForms
- UpdraftPlus
- Classic Editor
- iThemes Security
If you know how to use WordPress well, you will be able to significantly improve your blog. Another advantage of this is that it can also provide you with job opportunities.
2. Content Writing
You will obviously need some content for your blog. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be in the written form. You can have other types of content on your blog, like videos, photos, audio, art, etc.
But knowing how to write good content will always be a plus point. Even if your blog doesn’t need to have articles, it is better if you write some. This will be helpful in many ways. For starters, your blog will rank better on search engines. Your audience will be able to know more about your content. And, you will also be able to market your content in different forms if you have written content.
Let’s suppose you have a photography blog. If you only post photographs on your blog, it will not grow as much. Adding a “blog” section, where you write about your photographs, can provide you the above-mentioned benefits.
Even if you are not a writer, you can write good articles by learning. It is always an advantage to have written articles on your blog. And, just like the WordPress skill, this might also help you land other writing jobs.
3. Research
Research is an important part of learning. It helps you in finding creative ideas for your blog. You obviously need to do research on your blog’s niche. Find interesting topics to create content on them.
The best way to do research is by learning from other bloggers. Follow them. Subscribe to their blogs. You will be able to learn valuable insights from them. You can get ideas and apply them to your blog as well. What kind of articles are they writing and how? How is the design of their blogs? What tools are they using to get more traffic? Find them. Try to contact them and ask them directly. You have to take these chances if you want to learn.
Proper research helps you get creative content ideas. Reading is also a good form of research. Read books or articles on content writing, marketing, branding, etc. Learn free stuff from YouTube.
Constantly look for new and fresh ideas for your blog.
4. Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is one of the most important skills you need to have. There are different aspects of digital marketing like:
- SEO,
- content marketing,
- social media marketing,
- search engine marketing,
- email marketing,
- graphic designing,
- web analytics, etc.
You do not have to be an expert in all these topics on digital marketing. The most important ones you should learn for your blog are SEO, content marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing.
Why do you need to know digital marketing to have a successful blog in Nepal?
People are using digital devices every day. They are also using different social media platforms every day. You can reach out to a lot of people through these platforms. Share your blog on social media. Keep your readers updated. Take feedback and make improvements.
Collecting emails is also very important if you want to achieve success with your blog. This allows you to build a bigger audience. It will help you keep your readers up-to-date with your content. But, don’t overdo it. You can use different plugins to collect emails. Use third-party applications like Convertful, Mailchimp, and Convertkit to collect and broadcast emails.
There are a lot of free courses on digital marketing. Take these courses because they will help you grow your blog.
Other Non-Essential Skills
There are a few other skills you should know if you want to achieve better success with your blog. However, these skills are not compulsory, but they will come in handy if you know them.
# Planning and Organizing
Running a blog can get tough if you don’t know how to plan and organize your work. If you write articles on your blog, for instance, make a specific plan to write, edit, and publish your articles. Set out specific days to do these tasks. You can use free online tools to do your planning. Trello, Evernote, Google Sheets, Google Docs, etc. are some of the popular online tools. Planning and organizing your work will also help you keep track of your progress.
# Passion and Motivation
Are these even skills? Not particularly. But you need them, so just hear us out. Firstly, you have to have a passion for blogging if you want to succeed with it. If you lack passion, then you cannot be consistent with it. And, even if you do, your content will not be as good. So make sure you have a passion for blogging. Next is motivation. You need the motivation to be consistent. Again, if you lack the motivation, your content will not be good. How to build motivation? Be passionate and stay organized. Make specific plans to grow your blog and stick to that plan.
# Coding
Last but not least isĀ coding. Again, this is not compulsory. You can create awesome blogs without writing a single line of code. But, if you know how to code, things will be a lot simpler. You can customize and manipulate the designs according to your needs. It will be easier for you to work with themes and plugins. You can even build your own website if you are good at coding. That way, you will not have to depend on WordPress or other platforms. We recommended you learn at least the basics of HTML, CSS, and PHP.
In Conclusion
It is easy to start a blog. But it is not easy to become a successful blogger. You need hard work and consistency. For that, you have to build your skills and learn as much as possible. Everything you need to know is available online for free. There are thousands and thousands of free content online on the topics of blogging, including WordPress, digital marketing, and programming. You only have to be willing to learn them and apply them. Take the time to learn as much as possible. But you might not be able to learn everything at once. Start small. Learn the basics and slowly build your skills day by day.
Keep learning. Keep blogging.