6 Popular Blog Topics And Ideas For Nepali Bloggers

Popular blog topics and ideas for nepali bloggers

In today’s article, we will be sharing six popular blog topics for bloggers of Nepal.

Your blog niche plays a huge role in blogging success. A blog niche is the topic of your blog. It represents the type of content you will be creating on your blog.

Suppose you have a blog about food recipes. So your blog niche is cooking. You can further categorize a niche into micro-niches. For example, if your blog is specifically about Newari food recipes, that is a micro-niche blog.

Similarly, there are many niches and micro-niches for a blog. Some of them include technology, fitness, news/media, writing, books, travel, etc.

Why Have A Blog Niche?

Having a specific blog niche will help you attract an audience that is interested in the topic. When your blog has content specific to the niche, your audience will develop trust in you.

Furthermore, if you have a good amount of content about the topic on the your blog, it shows that you know very well about the topic. It also helps you to rank your blog on Google because it prioritize the quality and quantity of content on your blog.

Writing about several topics creates confusion to your audience and also to the search engines. So focus on the topic that you are interested in and that you have good knowledge about.

Popular Blog Topics in Nepal

Blogging in Nepal is growing. There are a lot of really successful bloggers here.

In Nepal, certain topics perform well while others do not. Therefore, if you start a blog on a popular topic, you will have a high chance of success.

However, remember that you should never start a blog on a topic just because it is popular. It would be best if you had an interest and expertise in that topic too. Only then will you be able to provide valuable content to your audience. Moreover, you will also enjoy creating high-quality content.

Below are some of the popular blog topics in Nepal. If you are an aspiring blogger and unsure about your blog topic, these can also give you a lot of ideas.

1. Tech Blogs

Tech blogs in Nepal are very popular. There are a lot of tech blogs that are doing really well. Moreover, these blogs are making good earnings too.

tech blogs in Nepal
Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

The popular Tech Blogs of Nepal include Gadgetbyte Nepal, TechLekh, ICT Frame, TechSansar, etc. These blogs mostly include content related to reviews/specifications of mobile phones, laptops, TVs, cameras, and other accessories.

Most of the tech blogs also inform the readers about upcoming tech gadgets and events. Furthermore, they also include “how-to” guides like: How to install Windows 10 on your PC, how to increase the battery life of your smartphone, how to start a YouTube channel, etc.

For aspiring bloggers of Nepal, it is a great niche, but the competition is very high. You have to be more creative with your content and not provide the same content as other tech blogs. It is also a good idea to consider starting a micro-niche tech blog.

2. News/Media

Another popular blog niche in Nepal is news/media. We are living in a time where news spreads very fast. Everyone is connected because of the internet. So a single post by a popular news/media channel spreads all over within seconds.

news blogs in Nepal
Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash

It is not that difficult to start a news blog because you can find the latest news online from multiple sources. You just have to paraphrase the news and provide it like it is your own. However, make sure you do not copy-and-paste the exact news from other sites.

With social media like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, you can easily get viral just by providing the information about a certain event.

But you need to remember a few things before starting a news blog. Firstly, you should not copy-and-paste the news from other blogs, websites, and news portals.

Secondly, re-check the news. Fake news spreads just as quickly as real news. So before writing about anything, make sure it is real news. Never provide fake news.

Lastly, the competition is very high. Therefore, you must use smart marketing strategies to succeed with your news/media blog.

3. Investing and Personal Finance

With the increasing number of investors in Nepal, investing and personal finance blogs are also growing. In addition, in the past year, the number of stock market investors increased massively, especially in the primary market (IPOs).

finance blogs in Nepal
Photo by MayoFi on Unsplash

There are many blogs, websites, social media pages, TikTok channels, etc., that teach investors about investing and finance. These sites and channels get thousands of views. They are also making a good earning online.

Most of the finance blogs teach about the stock market. A few talk about personal finance, cryptocurrencies, and other financial tips.

If you are into finance, you can also start a finance blog. But again, you have to be smart about your content and how you market it.

4. Travel and Tourism

Tourism is a major industry in Nepal. The country’s economy relies a lot on tourism. So it is a perfect topic for your blog.

Famous travel and tourism blogs provide information about various travel places, safety guides, transportation, travel expenses, food, etc.

travel and tourism blog in Nepal
Photo by Toomas Tartes on Unsplash

Most agencies and travel companies also provide the service of managing journies for travellers across the country.

Travel and tourism content also do well in social media. So you will have a chance to get blog traffic from social media sites and channels too.

5. Restaurants/Food Reviews

Who doesn’t love good food, right? People love exploring new food and new places to eat. There are a lot of social media pages where they review foods and restaurants. They also provide information about the location and ambiance of restaurants.

food blogs in Nepal
Photo by Chan Walrus from Pexels

Popular food pages like @mr.foodie_nepal and @nepal.food are doing really well all over social media. They get thousands of likes on Facebook/Instagram, and their posts go viral on TikTok.

However, there are very few blogs related to food and restaurants reviews in Nepal. So it is an opportunity for aspiring bloggers to start something on this topic. Besides food/restaurant reviews, bloggers can also add recipes, cooking tutorials, and other food-related content in their blogs.

If you can do well blogging about food and also leverage social media to your advantage, your blog will be successful for sure.

6. Celebrity Stories

Celebrity stories and gossips are popular in Nepal. Celebrities in Nepal include actors, actresses, singers, dancers, social media influencers, etc.

Many such blogs provide information mostly about the latest gossips, events, and life stories of the celebrities.

Celebrity blogs also include biographies, net worth, dating life, etc. These are hot topics that many people want to know about. Hence, this is also a popular blog topic for Nepali bloggers.


The above topics are only a few blog topics in Nepal. If you are an aspiring blogger, you should not limit yourself to these topics. Yes, they are highly popular, but they also are competitive.

As we said before, a blog topic must be something popular and interesting to you. Otherwise, you will not be able to create content with consistency. You might be bored because you have no real interest in the topic.

We recommend you choose a micro-niche for your blog. For example, if you want to start a tech blog, don’t write about everything in the tech industry. Focus on gadget reviews only, for instance. Be good at it that your blog will be the first thing people consider when they want to check out a review. Then, slowly, you can add other categories and grow your blog.

Do not forget to leverage social media because most of your audience is present there. You must learn how to get your audience from social media to your blog.

Lastly, use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in your blog and articles. SEO can make your blog successful even if your blog topic is highly competitive. So learn it and implement it to your advantage.

We hope this article was insightful to you.

Happy blogging!

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