3 Simple Tips To Grow Your Blog And Achieve Success Blogging In Nepal

achieve success blogging in Nepal

The one question that comes to the mind of a beginner blogger is, “How do I achieve success with my blog?”

It might be easy to set up a website, write a few articles, and share them online. But the hard part is to grow your blog successfully.

Even though you work hard to create content on your blog, it can be difficult to see real growth.

Achieving success blogging in Nepal is not easy. You cannot just start a blog and achieve success overnight. It takes hard work and consistency. Most bloggers in Nepal want to start a blog to make money. Making money blogging in Nepal is, again, not very easy. There are very limited revenue sources to make money blogging in Nepal.

The successful blogs in Nepal are mostly news and media publications. Succeeding as an individual blogger in Nepal is tough. But it is not impossible.

Starting a Successful Blog In Nepal

There are several factors that make a blog successful. Some of them are:

  • Blog niche (Blog topic)
  • Content quality
  • Content quantity
  • Traffic sources
  • Marketing strategies
  • Audience engagement

If you work on all these factors, you can achieve success blogging in Nepal. But for starters, you do not need to work on all these things.

You need to understand a few basic things that can help your blog become successful.

But remember that it takes time. Starting a blog is like planting a seed. You have to first put the seed inside the soil, water it daily, take care of it, and see the plant grow successfully after a certain period of time.

In this article, we will give you three basic tips that can boost up your blogging game. Like we said, there are several factors that matter to achieve success with your blog. But these three tips will help you get started and maintain the growth of your blog.

Three Tips To Achieve Blogging Success in Nepal

1. Blog Niche

A blog niche is basically the topic of your blog. It represents the type of content you will be creating on your blog.

For example, our niche is blogging tips for bloggers in Nepal.

Similarly, there are a lot of blog niches like technology, health, fitness, finance, food, personal development, etc.

It is very important for you to have a specific niche for your blog. You cannot start a blog and write about everything you know.

Pick a specific niche and create content related to that particular niche.

Why Have A Niche?

When you make content on a specific niche, you will attract an audience who is interested in that niche. The audience will trust you because you have created a lot of content related to that niche. It proves that you know about that niche.

But you might be thinking that if you create content in several niches, you can attract more audience.

Blogging does not work that way. Even if you are an expert in different fields, you cannot include everything in the same blog. Your audience will get confused. For instance, one day you are writing about finance and the next day you are writing about cooking. That will be confusing. Even if you are a chef who also invests in the stock market, do not mix them up in the same blog. If you want to write about both these topics, you can start separate blogs for each of these topics.

Another reason why it is important to stick with a specific niche is that Google will also consider you an expert on that topic. So it will rank your blog to the top if you have sufficient traffic and content on your blog.

Remember This

Do not choose a big niche for your blog. For example, if you are starting a blog on technology, be more specific. Technology is a big sector. What specific things about technology do you want to include on your blog?

  • Product development/reviews,
  • Medical technology,
  • Software development,
  • Tutorials, etc.

Choose one of these and stick to it. Be as specific as you can while selecting your blog niche.

You can also go with micro-niche blogs. Micro niches are small, specific niches.

2. Learning and Research

If you are starting out as a blogger, your main job is to learn as much as possible. Watch tutorials, follow other bloggers, read other people’s work, and research online. You can also take courses on blogging if you have to. But, almost everything is available for free online. So try not to spend money when you can basically learn everything for free.

When creating content, make sure you have done proper research. You should have a good knowledge of your content.

Study your niche carefully. Follow other people who make content similar to yours. Learn from them. Do not copy their work. You can give them credit if you are using their work. Plagiarism is the worst thing you can do as a content creator.

Let’s suppose that your blog’s niche is tech-product reviews. You need to keep learning about new products in the market. Also, follow the work of other tech-product review blogs and YouTube channels. You can take inspiration and ideas from their work to create your own content.

Build your skills. Blogging is a continuous learning process. You will need several skills to become a successful blogger. Website development, content writing, marketing, etc. are some of the skills.


If you do not have time to learn all the skills, you can hire other people. But do it only if you can afford to pay them. You can also ask your friends for help. They can guide you through the process.

Remember two things: Firstly, build your skills. You must have different skills if you want to achieve success as a blogger. To do so, learn as much as possible. And secondly, do your research. The more research you do, the more you will know about your niche. You will be able to create more content on your blog.

3. Consistency

You have to be consistent if you want to achieve success in blogging. You cannot be successful by posting one blog post a month.

Create more content. For the first few months of starting your blog, your job is to create as much content as possible. Do not think about the views and engagements. Do not worry about making money. Never doubt yourself. Keep making content and sharing it online. Even if there are no views, keep making them.

New bloggers start to doubt themselves when their blog does not get more views. So they give up early.

Like we said, achieving success in blogging takes time. You cannot expect your blog to grow after publishing 10-20 articles.

There have to be consistently published posts in your blog. Google also considers this as a ranking factor.

“Qualitatively speaking, reaching 55 to 70 consistently published blogs appears to be a trigger for Google to deem a content source as legitimate, and increased traffic/rankings follow.” —Frank Isca, Weidert Group (weidert.com)

But remember, your content should be of quality. Do not decrease the quality while trying to increase the quantity. There has to be a balance between quality and quantity. Both are equally important.

For content quality, do your research. Find keywords that are popular in your niche. Check your facts. Look for quality content ideas.

For content quantity, publish high-quality content consistently—at least 2 articles per week.

In Conclusion

Starting a blog in Nepal is easy. A lot of people are doing it. But only a few of them are successful.

Most people think that a blog will be successful if you make good content and do proper marketing. Yes, doing these things are a part of creating a successful blog. But other things like choosing a good niche and being consistent are also equally important.

In this article, we covered three simple tips to increase your chances of achieving blogging success in Nepal.

The first thing to do is select a proper niche. A good niche is very important for blogging success. Make sure that you do not select a big niche. Try to be as specific as you can. You can also choose micro niches for your blog.

The second thing to do is learn and research. Build your skills. Blogging is a constant learning process. Learn about website design/development, content writing, keyword research, marketing, etc. Do your research while creating content. Check the facts. Find more ideas related to your blog niche.

Last, but not least, be consistent. Create more content, especially if you have just started a blog. Do not check the views and engagements in the early stage of blogging. Keep making quality content. Publish consistently and share them online.

Success does not happen overnight. You need to work hard and be consistent. Do not give up early. Have faith. Success will be yours.

Happy blogging!


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